nomadic 'Penan' people of the rainforest of Sarawak,
Borneo are people-group in transition as they are
being integrated into settled communities. Famous
for their finely made band mats all traditionally
made with natural rattan fibers and colours, the
pattern 'serut' and 'gaweng' baskets are originally
'back-packs'. other tribes also copy this forms, but
nothing compares with the authentic Penan-made
basket in its fineness.
Each motif on the basket has a
meaning eg. 'betik tepun' (tiger's feet); 'betik
kelunan' (a person with arms sticking out); 'betik
atap ugen' (tip of blowpipe spear).
Bakelalan Reed Hat and Bark
traditional conical double-layer reed and palm hat
made in Bakelalan Highlands of Sarawak is
beautifully enhanced with stitching patterns. Colors
are also derived from the rainforest around the
village eg. 'waar birar' vines for the yellow; 'skali'
the lavender; 'skaro' leaves and mud for the
The hats is combined with round
bark container into a box used for storag of food or
other utilities such as letters, keys etc. the
product has been awarded UNESCO-ASEAN Crafts Seal of