A celebration of Sarawak
style with over 350 strikingly beautiful
photographs that capture the richness of
Sarawak's arts and crafts, architecture and
interiors, and its people and culture.
Pua: Iban Weavings of Sarawak (USD47.62)
A 1999 reprint of the
valuable 1986 study of Pua the form of warp-ikat
weavings traditional to the Iban people of
Sarawak. The cloth with its unique and often
secret symbolic dyed designs plays a major
role in traditional Iban life and ritual.
This illustrated account describes the
cultural context, weaving and dyeing
methods, and some of the symbolism of Pua
and includes profiles of a few notable
village weavers. With black and white and
colour photographs from the 1986 Kuching